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The Tourism Studies Department

- New trends for developing the tourism education e.g. the use of the Blockchain technique as one of the electronic learning techniques in universities.
- The impact of establishing smart tourism cities in Egypt on increasing the inbound tourism. 
- The role of the architectural design of Alamien City in developing the Egyptian tourism.
- New Environmentally-sustainable smart tourism cities as a basis for the planning of new tourism centres, including Galalah city and other new cities.
- A proposal for marketing tourism and archaeological landmarks on search engines and Geographic Information Systems.
- The impact of adopting new marketing trends in the tourism sector.
- The role of e-marketing, sponsored advertisements and influencers of social media in marketing the Egyptian tourism destination.
- The marketing and economic impact of the Pharaos Golden Parade on tourism sector.
- Repercussions of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourism sector.
- The implementation of new managerial trends and electronic customer relations management "E-CRM" as new trends in the Egyptian tourism sector for enhancing the relationship between the tourism organisation and its customers. 
- The impact of applying robot techniques on tourism. 
- The implementation of artificial intelligence as a new trend for enhancing the competitiveness of tourism organisations. 
- Smart tourism "as an application of e-commerce" and its role in developing tourism. 
- Assessing the use of statistical methods in studying and analysing the tourism sector's data.
- The application and use of alternative energy in the tourism sector.
- The Egyptian countryside on the Egyptian tourism map "challenges and opportunities" in the light of Haya Karima Initiative.
- The tangible and intangible heritage of Egypt. 
- Crafts villages and their role in achieving the sustainable tourism. 

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