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Vision & Mission


The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Mansoura University is committed to provide distinguished educational services for its scholars in the majors of 'Tourism, Hotels and Tourism Guidance'. It enables them to be well-qualified in the education and scientific research and prepares them for the labour market either locally or regionally. The faculty also helps its scholars in building their scientific, cognitive and moral structure, as well as developing the environment and serving the community for the purpose of achieving the mission of the University.


The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Mansoura University seeks to be the leading faculty in the field of tourism and hotels locally and regionally. It is keen on presenting the best cadres and attracting the highest scientific qualifications who have the ability to introduce changes and new ideas in the researches and studies of tourism and hotels. 

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Secondary Street, extension of Ahmed Maher Street - Mansoura - Egypt

  2218138 (50) 2+

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